This document was issued by the Ministry of Labour – War Invalids and Social Affairs on September 29, 2022, guiding the implementation of the content: “Improving solutions to ensure gender equality and prevent gender-based violence; improving child care and protection, and assisting those who are vulnerable in the areas of family and social life" in the aforementioned National target program.
1) Regarding the content about improving solutions to ensure gender equality and prevent gender-based violence, and assisting those who are vulnerable in the areas of family and social life, Official dispatch no. 3860/LDTBXH-BDG gives the following guidance:
- Firstly: For the task of strengthening the implementation of measures ensuring the rate of women participating in leadership and management in rural communes, a number of key missions need to be focused on, such as the following:
+ Issuing and implementing supporting policies for women to participate in training and capacity building; enabling conditions and opportunities for women to participate in leadership and management.
+ Communication to raise awareness for committees, leaders, officials in the political system, reputable people and communities on gender equality, women's position and role in leadership, management and socio-economic development;...
- Secondly: For the implementation of gender mainstreaming in the reconstruction of the agriculture industry and rural economic development, this document requests attention on the following main activities:
+ Assisting vocational training, counseling and introducing jobs for women and vulnerable people in the areas of family and social life.
+ Developing and implementing priority policies to assist women in business ownership and collective economic models in rural areas.
+ Establishing communication activities that aim to change the traditional perception of the gender division of labor in families and society in the direction of promoting the role, meaning and efficiency of when women participate in economic activities; reinforcing men's responsibilities in dividing household chores and taking care of family members;...
- Thirdly: The document states clearly the following solutions: Increasing the implementation of communication activities about gender equality and prevention of gender-based violence to raise awareness and change people’s behaviors, to ultimately contribute to reducing the sex imbalances at birth, putting a stop to child marriage and forced marriage, preventing and responding to gender-based violence, and ensuring safety for women and children in public spaces.
Therefore, the target audience for the media should be greatly influential public figures, reputable people in communities, men and vulnerable people in the areas of family and social life;...
- Fourthly: Regarding the operation of Reliable addresses - Community shelters
+ The document notes about the operation: Establishing Reliable addresses - Community shelters qualified for assisting victims of gender-based violence and domestic violence, in accordance with Decision no. 1814/QD-LDTBXH dated December 18, 2018 of the Minister of Labour – War Invalids and Social Affairs on the promulgation of provisional standards on the minimum conditions of Reliable addresses - Community shelters.
+ Actively implement the application of Circular no. 53/2022/TT-BTC dated August 12, 2022, and Circular no. 03/2022/TT-BTC dated January 12, 2022 of the Minister of Finance, stipulating the management and usage of employment funds from the State budget to establish programs for social work development, support provision for persons with disabilities, social assistance and rehabilitation for the mentally ill, autistic children and community dependent people with mental disorders during 2021-2030;...
2) Regarding the content about improving child care and protection
The document specifies the main tasks as the following:
- Firstly: Thoroughly performing the responsibilities of all levels, branches, heads of the government, agencies and units in ensuring the implementation of children's rights and resolving issues related to children, cases of children's rights violation.
- Secondly: Improving and innovating communication activities; disseminating legal education, knowledge and skills in exercising children's rights and duties with a suitable approach to each subject group, informing about the National Child Protection Hotline (Operator 111) and local child protection services to each family, classroom, community and child;...
- Thirdly: Requesting simultaneous implementation of child protection measures at three levels; assigning responsibilities of child protection at all levels to interagency coordinating organizations, especially the regular group; parties in charge of child protection participating to grasp the situation of children and children with special circumstances in the area, quickly detecting cases of children at risk violence and abuse, especially children living in households with parents divorced, separated, away for work, or with someone involved in social evils. Ensuring the implementation of support policies for children with special circumstances. Reinforcing support and care for children affected by natural disasters and epidemics;...
- Fourthly: Carrying out inspections and check-ups regularly to detect and handle timely and strictly cases of violence and abuse against children in the area; strictly disciplining agencies, organizations and individuals that conceal or fail to report acts of violence and abuse against children, or are irresponsible in resolving cases of violence and abuse against children;...
- Fifthly: Developing social networks for child protection with the participation of socio-political organizations, social organizations, especially the Vietnamese Women's Union and commune post offices, border guards; training and strengthening knowledge and skills related to child protection and care, especially in the prevention of child abuse and injuries of authorities at all levels, sectors, social organizations, parents and children; Testing and expanding models of child protection and care, prioritizing models of prevention of violence, abuse and injuries against children.
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