This decision was issued by the Ministry of Health on September 5, 2022, with the full name: "Decision on the issuance of guidelines for the implementation of project 7 - taking care of the people's health, improving the physical condition and stature of the people. ethnic minorities; child malnutrition prevention under the national target program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the period 2021-2030, phase i: from 2021 to 2025", with the following principal contents:
1. Building and developing grassroots health care in ethnic minority and mountainous areas
Objective: To strengthen grassroots health care thus ethnic minorities can access modern health care services. Continue to control and eliminate epidemics in ethnic minorities and mountainous areas
Subjects: (1) People in ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas, especially pregnant women, mothers, children and the elderly; (2) District Medical Center, District Hospital; (3) Health workers, population; staff of district health centre, district hospital; commune health station staff, commune population officer; village health workers, population collaborators; village midwife.
Main activities include:
- Invest in facilities and purchase essential equipment for the district health centre.
- Training health workers for poor and near-poor districts in disadvantaged areas.
- Support technical transfer to commune health stations.
- Family medicine training for commune health station staff.
- Support allowance for village midwives.
- Support out-of-station vaccination points.
- Periodic inspection, monitoring, and reporting.
2. Improving the quality of population in ethnic minority and mountainous areas
Objective: To improve the health of ethnic minorities in terms of physical and mental health, stature, and life expectancy. Strengthen grassroots health work thus ethnic minorities can gradually access modern health care services. Continue to control and eliminate epidemics in ethnic minorities and mountainous areas.
Subjects: (1) People in the EMEA, especially young men and women, pregnant women, mothers, children, the elderly, and couples of childbearing age; (2) District health centres, commune health stations; (3) Health staff, population, district health centre staff, commune health station staff, commune population officials; village health workers, population workers; (4) For the prevention of Thalassemia disease, focus on interventions on the group of men and women before marriage (can choose high school students at boarding schools for ethnic minorities), pregnant women in the first 3 months of pregnancy to visit the doctor. at district and provincial hospitals.
Main activities include:
- Universalization of counselling services, pre-marriage health checks; screening, diagnosis and treatment of some antenatal and neonatal diseases with the participation of the whole society in ethnic minority and mountainous areas.
- Meeting the needs of the elderly to take care of and improve their health to adapt to the ageing population.
- Stabilize and develop the population of ethnic minorities in ethnic minority and mountainous areas and border areas.
- Improve population management capacity in ethnic minority and mountainous areas.
- Prevention of Thalassemia in ethnic minorities and mountainous areas.
3. Maternal and child health care and nutrition to reduce maternal and child mortality, and improve the stature and physical strength of ethnic minorities.
- General objective: To increase the accessibility of ethnic minorities to quality care services in terms of health and nutrition for mothers and children, contributing to the economic development goals achievement. socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas promulgated according to Resolution No. 88/2019/QH14 dated November 18, 2019, of the National Assembly.
- Specific object: (1) Strengthening the dissemination of knowledge and practice in health care and nutrition for mothers and children; (2) Support to strengthen periodical antenatal check-ups and medical support for women before, during, and after childbirth; (3) Support periodical health check for children under 24 months old; (4) Support for nutritional enhancement in the first 1000 days of life and malnourished children in ethnic minority and mountainous areas.
Subjects: (1) Pregnant women, mothers, and children; (2) Health workers at all levels, village health workers, village midwives, and nutrition collaborators; (3) Child caregivers.
Main activities include:
- Organize seminars to deploy expert information on maternal and child health care and nutrition.
- Organize a workshop to review the implementation of professional goals and contents on maternal and child health care and nutrition.
- Review, supervise, provide technical and professional support, evaluate and periodically report on the implementation of maternal and child health care and nutrition interventions.
- Nutritional care in the first 1,000 days of life for mothers and children is integrated into pre-, during, and post-natal care to improve the stature and physical strength of ethnic minorities.
- Take care of health, reduce maternal and child mortality
- Propaganda, advocacy, and communication to change behaviour on health care, and maternal-child nutrition.
Decision 2415/QD-BYT takes effect from September 5, 2022.
Please see the details at the link