The Circular was issued on January 12th, 2022, stipulating the management and use of non-business funds from the state budget to implement community-based programs on social work development, assistance for persons with disabilities, social assistance and rehabilitation for the mentally ill, autistic children and people with behavioral health disorders for the period 2021-2030.
The Circular includes a number of notable contents as follows related to the financial regime to support persons with disabilities:
i. Specific content and spending levels of the community-based social assistance and rehabilitation program for the mentally ill and people with behavioral health disorders (Article 5)
- In addition to regulations on payment of wages for medical staff, support specialists, seminars, etc. the circular stipulates that the mentally ill, autistic children and people with mental disorders in poor households, near-poor households and ethnic minority households are entitled to functional rehabilitation support at the cost of rehabilitation services prescribed by competent authorities for current public health facilities.
- The circular lists the expenses for vocational guidance, occupational therapy organization, livelihood support and appropriate culture and sports for the mentally ill, autistic children and people with behavioral health disorders at social services facilities, rehabilitation facilities, including the following expenditures:
+ Expenses for supporting the mentally ill, autistic children, people with mental disorders to participate in cultural and sports activities at social services facilities; Expenses for building models of livelihood support and starting a business for families of the mentally ill, autistic children and people with behavioral health disorders;
+ Expenses to support repair and maintenance of physical, technical and equipment foundations for social services facilities that take care, educate and rehabilitate the mentally ill, autistic children and people with behavioral health disorders;...
ii. Specific content and spending levels of the Program assisting persons with disabilities (Article 6)
For orthopedic surgery and rehabilitation:
Beneficiaries include:
+ Children with disabilities under 6 years old from poor households, near-poor households, and ethnic minority households;
+ Persons with extremely severe disabilities, persons with severe disabilities from poor households, near-poor households, and ethnic minority households;
- Content and level of support expenses include:
+ Support for orthopedic surgery, community-based rehabilitation support in case health insurance does not pay; Support for examination after orthopedic surgery. The level of support depends on the price of medical services prescribed by a competent authority for public health facilities at the time of implementation;
+ Support for travel expenses for the above subjects and 01 accompanying person (if any) from the place of residence to the medical examination and treatment facilities and vice versa: The level of support depends on the applicable local public transport price;…
+ Food expenses support for the above subjects and 01 accompanying person (if any) during orthopedic surgery: Support level of VND 70,000/person/day.
+ Support for tools and aids for persons with disabilities: Depending on the disability type and degree of disability, persons with disabilities are supported with VND 1,000,000/person to by appropriate tools and aids.
In addition, depending on the content of each model approved by the competent authority (according to local decentralization), the state budget will spend on the following activities as prescribed: Expenses for replicating the livelihood support model, start-up support for persons with disabilities; building a model of vocational training associated with job creation for persons with disabilities; disease prevention and disaster reduction models that ensure accessibility for persons with disabilities; building and replicating the "white stick" model of intelligent guidance for the visually impaired; model of independent living and social inclusion; building a model of self-reliant women with disabilities; building model routes and replicating public passenger transport vehicles for persons with disabilities;..
The Circular takes effect from March 1, 2022.
Article 8 of Circular No. 03/2022/TT-BTC also lists regulations that cease to be effective from the time this Circular takes effect.
Please follow the link below for more details: