Question: My father is a martyr, posthumously awarded the Fatherland Certificate. Three years ago, I applied for the martyr's relative's benefits under the category of the martyr's child, who is a person with a severe disability, and then received a monthly survivorship allowance. My family no longer receives the payment for martyr worship since I started receiving the monthly survivor allowance. Which circumstances would give the martyr's family the right to receive the worship allowance?
The Law Department - ACDC, advises:
According to Clause 4, Article 15 of the Ordinance on Incentives for People with Meritorious Services to the Revolution in 2020, the regime for martyrs is as follows:
“4. When a martyr has no relatives left to enjoy the monthly survivorship allowance as prescribed in Clause 3, Article 16 of this Ordinance, the person assigned or authorized to worship the martyr is entitled to the allowance for martyr worship.
According to Clause 3, Article 16 of the Ordinance on Incentives for People with Meritorious Services to the Revolution in 2020, the following individuals are relatives who receive monthly survivorship allowances:
(1) The biological father, biological mother, and children of martyrs who are under 18 years of age or older if they continue to attend school or have severe disabilities, extremely severe disabilities, and those who support martyrs; in the case of many martyrs, relatives of three martyrs or more.
(2) Martyrs' spouses.
As a result, your family is ineligible for this benefit because, based on the information you provided, you are already receiving a monthly survivorship allowance for relatives of martyrs who are persons with severe disabilities. The community's decision to stop giving your family the martyr's worship allowance complies with current laws.